Love is hate, admiration, jealousy, rage, peace, contentment & more contained all in one existence
that can drive one madly insane or keep one content with just their love.
Life has its own way of giving us lessons by utilizing love from friendships, to relationships, even business relationships (i.e. mom-pop business, growing with a small business etc.). It is important to recognize each person is in our lives to teach us (a) lesson(s). Especially if we wind up with the same type of person reoccurring in our lives. Unless, we recognize the situation and completely avert away from it, history will not have to repeat itself. There are some of us who don't recognize the pattern.
(Keep in mind, I am speaking about only love)
Love often comes into play with the recognition or denial of recognition by showing segments of what could be love. That word right there makes our hearts flutter thinking of the one we love. Love would make you do things, you would tell others not to. Seriously...:) We're all guilty of it. We give in for love externally to make us feel whole and complete. Often, we love the people we love more than ourselves. We search for love outside of us so we could feel whole... We tend to love others more than we love ourselves. Then when the love is gone, we lose ourselves.
One thing we all must realize as human beings is that we should never expect anything from anyone. Don't give people expectations that you know they have never met before. I am not saying to doubt a person, but merely let them be an individual without your own perception or opinion.
Also, do not take things personally. In life, people carry their own burdens and pain from other experiences. When a person cheats, talks bad about you, anything of sort, don't say to yourself "Why did they do this to me??" On the contrary, they did nothing TO you... They did something FOR you... Don't take it personal. Whether you are sharing space with that person or not, what they do in their life is for them and what you do in your own is for you. A person that breaks trust will learn later from their own experience with someone else. That's just how it is. We (are supposed) to improve with each experience we have with people. Never let a persons word break your character or your spirit.
It all applies to friendships as well. I've been through my own tribulations in life and my words are based off of my own experiences and close friends/family members. If you have any questions or any requests, leave a comment :)
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