thats lil bro feet btw :)

thats lil bro feet btw :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Admire Life

Woke up with my chest full of ambition
I wish the world felt what I felt when I exhaled from last nights slumber
I felt hope, pride, abundant of strength and I almost felt like I could fly...
So I leaped from my bed
And out the window I soared beyond the block
Beyond the city limits
The higher I flew the brighter the sky became
And I spread my arms
Filled with drive I shot pass each layer of stratosphere that protects the Earth
I soared high until I reached the Sun
And she looked at me so luminously
Glaring bright providing all the life the world holds together
My soul felt relief as I smiled and let go of every thought that had ever hurt my present state
I fell back gracefully
Slowly back to the Earth I fell like a pretty piece of butterfly dust
Delicately, swaying to & fro
To & Fro....
I positioned myself in the sky as if I lay
Eyes closed as I smiled preparing to touch down into my bed....
Hands rested underneath my head..

And in my window I slid through
On my bed I was placed by the peace that surrounded my heart
The serenity that coated my exterior...
I woke up from this dream
And I knew I could achieve
Become a better me
While searching for inner peace...

I touched my smile and blushed......

Alarm clock silenced to maintain the tranquility of the moment...

And my day began.

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