until you experience the pain of your heart being broken..
shattered like a vase that had been sitting on the shelf... away from those who play too much..
To only place it in the hands of one who doesn't recognize the worth of it.
And destroy it like waking up too early from a wonderful dream.
It beats slowly... or expedites the process of blood flow through the body to fill in the adrenaline of the pain cause the moment the glass touched the floor..
This woman's love goes deeper than most.. loyal & dedicated to the one she feel in love with..
To still love a person even after the vase was broken.. they patiently sat together, trying to piece each part together...
She cut herself many times attempting to bring the vase back to its original appearance..
The effort.. the continuous trying to make it feel the same as it were...
The agony alone brings her to tears as she still tries to maintain her smile
& she tries to portray anything but how she feels inside
The love was over before it began.. then person of which she trusted was never worthy of being trusted holding her vase..
She had never been hurt so bad in all her days...
Staying awake late at night as if the awkward silence of laying alone would help her ease the hatred slowly building in heart her for one she previously loved so dearly.
Selfishly not appreciating what she had offered, given... nothing reciprocated but lessons behind lessons... telling her to leave but with the masking of love, she stayed
Moved far away, to stay... gave everything materialistic away so that one day, he will say, I am sorry I caused you so much pain..
There is no easy way to end love..
Its either a broken heart or death of a loved one..
Love is an existence.. much more than just an emotion.
It is the stepping stone to building and changing a person from who they were to who they are..
Diminishing the value of trust as each task is challenged an lost to infatuation
Her heart can no longer take it.
She removes all memories of him from her mind...
She stares at the keys of the computer wondering what should she say to end this sad story..
Never fall in love. You'll only get hurt
Now as she disappears from his sight, he sighs wishing for her to return... She is now down..
The lesson has been learned
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