Dignity & pride is long long gone...
Women posting pictures half nude in thongs..
I wonder..I wonder where did we go wrong?
Physical appeal has replaced intelligence indefinitely
Twerking to stripping.. what has taken our women so much further from divinity? Why is it that many black women especially no longer carry themselves as queens but as a mere piece of meat on a fishing string,hovering over a lake of a bunch of hungry men..?..but calls them this new term "thirsty"...?
Internet fame for likes most of them call themselves models.. unpaid, undergrad, kids or none but still why show so much of your soul? Our body is our only claim, as we are spirits living within these frames... but so many dames run around behaving untamed and most would say an absent father is to blame.......
Why is it the women of my race is ridiculed more than any other race in the world? & most of the jokes comes from our own black men? Have we not seen enough of the further tarnishing of the beautiful black queen? So many weaves, fake nails, fake lashes, overly perfect eyebrows.... when it rains they look insane...but who is really at fault to blame?
Do we go back to the 70s where they beat the black man down so hard, black women preferred to be resembled of a white woman by perms? Or should I take it to the 80s, when mike went white & all hope was lost forever?
(That was a joke...maybe lol)
But still...do we take it to today where they'd rather paint a light skinned woman dark or even go as far as a white woman to be black because a lot of us seemingly carry ourselves so sloppy?
Black women, what happened to your pride? Our asses are big but where's our degrees? Were popping out babies but where are the rings? Make him pay child support to take yourself on shopping sprees? Housing pays the rent, but the lights are never paid... but you always make sure you copped the new jays...
Black men, aren't you tired of being locked up for killing your own brother over money? Aren't you tired of having children you never see and can't afford but you have yet to wear that trojan horse? Aren't you tired of living with your mother? She's stressed enough as it is trying to feed her grandkids....
My black people.... what is happening to us??? Please... wake the phuck up...we should not be like this. Our race is overly unique to all other races ergo we are the goddesses & kings of this land... why is it that none of us OVERstand?....
Images like these below are surfacing all over the internet as ways to gain followers and likes but I wonder, is the self disrespect even worth it? Why go out of our way to gain acceptance of people who we may never EVER meet in life? ratchet, ghetto... these terms have been embedded in our race like we began as such..
We were once kings and queens who ruled our own lands...
Now we live in a country that barely respects us as a whole, we have plenty bibles and many Christians attending church every Sunday, churches on every other corner in the hood, but why is it that we don't own anything? Atlanta was suppose to be known as the "Black Mecca" but even that city is run by races other than our own... I wonder where in history did we get driven so far apart from each other, we do not build our race, but we disgrace it but slandering anyone with a darker complexion...
and glorify those who are lighter ...
But isn't our race that declared to be equal amongst those who are white/Caucasian?
I don't understand what happened to where now if you are a dark skinned black woman, you are ghetto, trashy, slutty, undefined without character, etc... But if you are light skinned black woman, you are BADD...(notice the two D's as if its any more significance than just one..) & really just overall the better pick..
Men would rather make children with you so their hair will be curly and so forth...
I see what many men are referring to when they say they would rather date a 'red, yellow or light skinned woman'... Primarily in the hoods, or ghettos so to speak, many women that are darker, carry themselves a different way then women who are lighter...
[This is based on my own experience and in no way shape or form am I supporting being bias to our own race.]
The verbiage, vernaculars, the popular catch phrases of the week and so forth and so on... its become a negative signature of darker complexion women these days and I noticed a high number of men becoming more and more famous basing their skits on the behavior of black women. Dr Sotomayer is a YouTube sensation who does just that. I cannot lie, he aggravates me sometimes because I wish he did more building then insulting, but realistically, a lot of black women are insulting us as a whole just by behaving ignorantly on purpose... Emmanuel Hudson & his brother/friend whomever he is... Their skits are humorous but who are they targeting? Black women. Its a shame when black women don't even realize that we are being more and more criticized by our own race.. It hurts to see us being downgraded as a whole... its almost like I have to prove myself as an individual that I am not like the women they encountered...
Times have changed.... We have lost our men to ourselves but to others...(get it?)
even lesbian women feel the pressure of dating a darker woman because she may be a lot more ghetto than the lighter one... I know I am not the only one who sees it..
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